Grain-Free, Dairy-Free, Breakfast Cereal

Hello Readers

This is my very first post for the allergy survival guide.  When you have allergy’s often the meal that throws you for a curve ball the most is BREAKFAST.   Breakfast can be hard if you can’t eat eggs or grains. I personally can eat eggs but sometimes I just feel like good old fashioned cereal or porridge.

This cereal recipe can be served cold or hot to make a refreshing cereal or a warming porridge.


This cereal is super good for you to!

Grain free,  Dairy free, Warm or Cold Cereal bowl.



2 tbs Black Chia

2 tbs Hemp Hearts

1 tbs Chopped Pecans

1 tbs Currents

1 tsp water

½ cup Milk sub of your choice (I use lactose free or almond milk but they all work)


Combined all the dry ingredients in a bowl.

Add water and mix well

Slowly add the milk sub little by little. Only add as much milk sub as you would like just remember that the chia will gel so account for some loss of moister especially if you are eating it hot.

For hot porridge just stick it in the microwave for 25 seconds stir then put on for another 15 seconds. You can also warm it on the stove if you are making a bigger batch.